The Psst Safe is a secure place to deposit non-public information you think is of public concern.
Everything you save in the Safe is encrypted. It’s up to you what happens next and whether anyone sees your deposit.
Before you enter the Safe, we’ll ask a few questions that will help you keep your information secure. Then, you can deposit your concern.
Currently, the Safe only accepts information related to the tech industry and/or government.
More about the Safe:
When you enter the Safe, you will be prompted to write a description of your concern. You may also request a legally privileged, pro bono conversation to figure out your options. Alternatively, you can deposit your information and be contacted by Psst only if someone else raises a similar concern. You can also remain anonymous, if you prefer.
Upcoming versions of the Safe will allow for encrypted pattern recognition across deposits, allowing Psst to identify patterns of information, strengthening and collectivizing stories and cases.
We aim to respond to requests for support and advice within three business days.