Get Support

At Psst, we firmly believe that people speaking out against a powerful corporation or person should never go at it alone. We’ve got a lot of experience helping people from all kinds of backgrounds speak out about all kinds of things–either publicly or behind the scenes. 

Our support starts right at the beginning. Our very first intake with anyone who shares information (or would like to figure out if they should share information) is with our in-house legal counsel, meaning all conversations are covered under legal privilege. 

Psst also provides in-house legal representation for some whistleblowers who may be filing an SEC claim and may have other legal issues because of the extent of their disclosures. Our legal team also will work with people who may have information to put into the Psst Safe but need help to think through next steps or whether to become part of a collective disclosure. 

Should you decide to go public with the information you have, we work with journalists to bring forward the story and / or publish your account on Psst Stories. We work with you every step of the way through the writing, editing, media interviews, legal reviews and other parts of the process of speaking out, to ensure you are safe and protected the whole way through.

In addition to legal support, Psst Protect also offers psychological and career guidance, as needed.

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